- Munaka as compared to kishmish is bigger and brown in colour with seeds.
- Munakka?has relatively more energizing as it contains iron and magnesium
- It has a sweet taste and is generally used as dry fruit, mostly for medicinal purposes.
- Munakka?is healthier as it doesn’t induce acidity or gastric related issues.
- It is excellent for boosting your haemoglobin. Few pieces of Munaka can be soaked in water overnight and consumed on an empty stomach to boost iron levels.
- ?Raw Munakka
a. Take 1-2 teaspoons of Munakka.
b. Eat it once or twice a day. - These can be easily blended into shakes, smoothies, hot beverages, summer coolers, dips and soups to add an extra crunch
- Those who are chronically anaemic may benefit a great deal by consuming Munaka with a glass of boiled milk at night before sleeping.
Health Benefits Of Munaka
Boosts Energy & Performance
- Munakka has so many healthy nutrients as mentioned above. Additionally, it does not have any fats which makes it extremely easy to digest and absorb. Studies suggest eating soaked Munakkas every morning on an empty stomach and also drinking the water in which they were soaked. You don?t have to have a lot of them.
- 4-6 Munakkas on a daily basis will be enough to boost your energy and performance.
- This is especially beneficial for women and children who struggle with low energy levels, fatigue and drowsiness throughout the day.
Promotes Haemoglobin Levels?
- Munakkas contain a good amount of folate and iron. As many women in their childbearing years and menopausal age have an iron deficiency, they even struggle with severe anaemia?and some with beta-thalassemia.
- Having Munakkas every day, soaked or raw, can promote haemoglobin levels drastically. Doctors suggest having them soaked in milk as they can instantly boost iron in the blood.
Promotes Bone Health
- As Munakka is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and folate, it can definitely promote your bone health and boost bone density. It has the ability to fight various joint pain and bone diseases.
- It also contains Boron which is a micronutrient that helps in the absorption of calcium.
- The Munakas can even help prevent arthritis, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis which are considered to be the worst cases of bone or joint pain.
Stabilises Cholesterol Levels
- Munakka contains a phytochemical called resveratrol which is commonly known for its antioxidants, anticarcinogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties.
- These properties are well-known to be the perfect treatment of cholesterol. Hence, many cholesterol supplements name themselves using phytochemicals names.
- Resveratrol is a very powerful component that aids in widening the arteries and clearing the plaque deposits using its antioxidant properties.
- Its vasodilating properties can be very useful in clearing toxins too. If you have high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol), you should have soaked Munaka every day.
Promotes Digestion
- Munakkas contain a lot of dietary and soluble fibres that can promote digestion,?regulate bowel movements and treat digestive disorders.
- It can push the waste through the intestines and help regulate your bowel movements even if you have chronic constipation.
- Regular consumption of Munakkas is said to improve conditions such as IBS, inflammation of the digestive organs, reduce risk of colon cancer, high or low pH, poor metabolism, pelvic pain, stomach pain, gastritis, bloating and many other conditions.
Improves Oral Health
- Chewing Munakka may help reduce the dental cavity as it becomes sticky and takes tartar away from your teeth.
- The phytochemicals in Munakka helps kill dental bacteria and prevent severe gum problems as well. If you love eating soaked Munakkas, you must have 5-7 of them every day.
- Having soaked Munakkas have also proven to prevent gum diseases and bad breath. They build stronger enamel for your teeth which acts as a protection shield for your teeth.
Prevents Dry Cough
- ?Munakka is effective in the management of dry cough due to its cough suppressant activity.
- It also has a soothing property that reduces irritation in the throat.? This is due to its Snigdha (oily) nature. Emily dry cough affects some Covid-19 patients. Munaka is also known as ?The Tree Of Life? due to its regenerative abilities. Doctors advise eating Munaka to prevent dry cough and cold.
Treats Vertigo
- Vertigo is often the result of weak neurotransmitter activity of the brain. Having Munakka daily, roasted or soaked, can prevent vertigo in patients.
- People experience vertigo as a disease or a symptom of an underlying disease. Patients undergoing chemotherapy often complain of vertigo, pregnant women with anaemia, anaemic patients and other people who?re fatigued and feel weak should consume Munakka to avoid vertigo.
Treats Headache
- Munakkas are very effective in treating various kinds of headaches. You can use Munaka powder or powdered Munaka at home, mix the powder with liquorice root powder and some sugar. Just take or sniff a pinch of this herbal mixture to feel instant relief.
- Regular consumption of Munakkas can prevent inflammation that causes headaches.
How to Store
- Store in a cool and dry place.
- These nuts have a great shelf life if stored properly.Also, Don’t forget to visit our collection of Dry Fruits.